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Soleichthys cf. heterorhinos
Banded sole

Pardachirus pavoninus
Peacock sole

Synaptura cf. marginata
Margined sole

Samariscus triocellatus
Threespot flounders

Asterorhombus cf. fijiensis
Angler flatfish

Bothus cf. pantherinus
Leopard flounder

Bothus cf. pantherinus
Leopard flounder

Soles sp. 1
Unknown sole (juvenile)

Soles sp. 2
Unknown sole


from 22/10/2004
until today
Copyright © 2004.
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used without the expressed and written consent of the author.
Website created and realized by Paolo Rossi
Photographs by Antidio & Paolo Rossi

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For any questions, comment or technical problem : paulreds@tin.it
Last modified : 10-06-2005

Home Photo News Link Contact Places Equipment Italiano